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Recent Publications
DEEMING, H. (in review) Emergency Preparedness, Response & Recovery: 3-yr Retrospective on DfT highway sector learning from extreme Weather events review (2021): including first analysis of UKRLG Hazards Survey (2023), Report commissioned by the UK Roads Leadership Group (UKRLG), London.
DEEMING, H. (2024) Is Emergency Management Enough? further comment on Montano and Savitt (2023), LinkedIn post (Part 2)
DEEMING, H. (2024) “Revisiting emergencies, disasters, & catastrophes” some reflections on Montano and Savitt (2023) from a highway sector perspective. LinkedIn post (Part 1)
DEEMING, H. (2024) Taking a resilience perspective on the Francis Scott Key Bridge tragedy LinkedIn post
DEEMING, H. (2024) Commissioned Drafting Author: Guidance for public and private sector authorities on preparedness and emergency responses to the immediate aftermath of terrorist attacks Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT), Strasbourg.
DEEMING, H. (2024) Masterclass: The New Normal, Transportation Professional, Jan/Feb, Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), London, pp34-35
DEEMING, H. (2023) Highway Operations: Major Incident Decision Support Tool (Output 1: Transport Research Innovation Grant ID18381)
DEEMING, H. (2023) Highway Operations Manager: Major Incident Checklist (Output 2: Transport Research Innovation Grant ID18381)
DEEMING, H. & Wolf, K. (2023) Creating a GIS dashboard to support situational awareness during major incidents affecting highway operations (Appendix 3 to main report: Non-Technical Briefing note) Transport Research Innovation Grant (TRIG) ID18381, DfT, London.
DEEMING, H. & Lamb, J. A. (2023) Integrated Emergency Management of ‘lifeline’ highway networks: lessons for sector interoperability Civil Engineering 176 (ICE Special edition: Infrastructure Resilience to Climate Change) pp.1-8
DEEMING, H. (2023) The DfT Independent Review of Highway Sector Learning from Extreme Weather Events Video summary of DfT-commissioned Emergency Preparedness, Response & Recovery Report
DEEMING, H. (2023) Extreme weather project management Highways Magazine April 2023 (pp.36-38)
DEEMING, H. (2022) Why the UK Highway Sector need a Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA) Capability - the Foundations of Stormchain LinkedIn post
DEEMING, H., et al.(2022) STORMCHAIN Highway Asset Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA): Restoring Community Lifelines (web-based application) HD Research Ltd., John Lamb Executive Solutions Ltd., Wilson Pym May Ltd.
DEEMING, H. (2022) Proposed Standards for the UK Highway Sector: Rapid Impact Assessment (Draft version.2) ©HD Research Ltd.
DEEMING, H. (2021) Emergency Preparedness, Response & Recovery: Guidance on Rapid Impact Assessment for Highway Networks HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H. & Lamb, J. A. (2022) Highway Sector Emergency Management: Building New Competencies. A Study of The UK’s Approach to ‘Lifeline’ Rapid Impact Assessment to Support Excellence Across Emergency Response, Stabilisation and Repair Paper submission to Session 9: Disaster and Risk Management, XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Conference, Calgary (Jan 2022) PIARC UK Competition Winning Paper: Resilience Category
DEEMING, H. (2021) “We did all the right things, but we got the wrong outcome.” Using accident theory to explain the fire and rescue service response to the Manchester Arena attack.(Original unpublished draft written in July 2018) Submission to Manchester Arena Inquiry (INQ040614/1), HD Research, Bentham, UK. [NB. this working paper contains analysis of details described to the Kerslake Panel, which were subsequently found to be erroneous. For example, during the Inquiry it was revealed that staff in North West Fire Control did not follow the directions of either a 'Bomb' or 'Explosion' action card, but instead reverted to training they had received from the NILO cadre.
DEEMING, H. (2021) Submission to House of Lords Committee, Inquiry on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H. (2021) Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery: identifying lessons learned by UK highways sector from extreme-weather emergencies (2015-2020) A report prepared for the Department for Transport and the Local Government Technical Advisers Group, HD Research, Bentham, UK.
Addendum 1: Highways response to Covid-19 (July 2020) - a report for DfT and UKRLG
Addendum 2: A Review of Winter Resilience 2020/2021 (Dec 2020) - a report for DfT and UKRLG
DEEMING, H. (2021) Guidance on Highway Network Rapid Impact Assessment (RIA) Guidance document developed with Local Government Technical Advisers Group (LGTAG), HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H. (2020) "Make friends before you need them." Highways Magazine (March 2020): pp52-53.
DEEMING, H. (2020) Briefing Note: ‘The Stabilisation Phase’ as the correct descriptor for the transition between response to and recovery from Covid-19, HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H. (2020) A Proposed Local Resilience Forum (LRF) Focussed Framework for Transition and Recovery from Pandemic, HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H. (2019) Professionalisation of emergency management: A chicken or egg conundrum? Crisis Response Journal 14 (4) October 2019 pp.10-12
DEEMING, H. (2019) UK Resilience Sector – Strategic Training Needs Assessment: A Place for the EPC A report commissioned by the Civil Contingencies Secretariat and Emergency Planning College, HD Research, Bentham, UK
DEEMING, H., Fordham, M., Kuhlicke, C., Pedoth, L., Schneiderbauer, S. and Shreve, C. (2019) (eds) Framing Community Disaster Resilience, London, Wiley Blackwell
As contributing panel member:
Lord Kerslake (2018) The Kerslake Report: An independent review into the preparedness for, and emergency response to, the Manchester Arena attack on 22nd May 2017
DEEMING, H. and Otley, C. (2018) A review of recovery processes following Storm Desmond’s impacts on Cumbria (5th/6th Dec 2015) Final Report. A report commissioned by Cumbria County Council HD Research, Bentham, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2018) Hill-Farming and flooding: disaster resilience from the perspective of an enduring community of identity (In) Mansfield, L. (Ed) Managing Upland Resources: new approaches for Rural Environments, Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath, Scotland
DEEMING, H. and Burgess, J. P. (2017). Stabilisation: a discussion of the concept’s relevance to UK resilience. Bentham, UK., HD Research.
DEEMING, H. (2017) Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sendai Framework What does it mean for UK resilience practitioners? (Occasional Paper 21), Emergency Planning College (EPC),Easingwold, UK.
DEEMING, H., James, C. (2017) Training Needs Analysis for Multi-Agency Strategic Coordinating Groups in Emergency Response and Recovery: a review of lessons identified (A report commissioned by Civil Contingencies Secretariat) HD Research, Bentham, UK.
KRUSE, S., et al. (2017). "Conceptualizing community resilience to natural hazards – the emBRACE framework." Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 17(12): 2321-2333.
DRMKC Project CT-EX2016D267361-101: Understanding extreme events as catalysts for flood-risk management policy change: a case study of the impact of ‘Storm Desmond’ in Cumbria, UK.
This project was commissioned to build directly on the findings of FP7 emBRACE project
Grant Agreement No 283201.
DEEMING, H. (2017) “Key recommendations for flood-risk management policy change based on the understanding of a recent extreme flood event” (D3.1 of DRMKC Project CT-EX2016D267361-101), Bentham, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2017) An analysis of Storm Desmond, as a catalyst for institutional change in flood risk management (D2.1 of DRMKC Project CT-EX2016D267361-101), Bentham, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2017) Activities of the multi-stakeholder ‘community of resilience practice’ during the response to ‘Storm Desmond’ in Cumbria, UK (D1.2 of DRMKC Project CT-EX2016D267361-101), Bentham, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2016) Situation of the multi-stakeholder ‘community of resilience practice’ before the ‘Storm Desmond’ in Cumbria, UK (D1.1 of DRMKC Project CT-EX2016D267361-101), Bentham, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2016). An interim review of good practice and lessons identified during recovery from Storm Desmond’s impacts on Cumbria (5th/6th Dec 2015). Penrith, UK., A report prepared by HD Research under commission from Cumbria Local Resilience Forum.
DEEMING, H. (2016). Winter 2015 Flood Recovery: Local Area Debrief (report and recommendations) Workshop synthesis report prepared by HD Research under commission from the Cabinet Office, London.
DEEMING, H. (2016) A debrief-based review of the acute-phase multi-agency response to Storm Desmond in Cumbria, A report prepared by HD Research under commission from Cumbria Local Resilience Forum,Penrith, UK.
DEEMING, H. (2015) Lucky 13 - the steps towards community flood resilience Resilience Winter (2015) The Emergency Planning Society, Easingwold UK. pp.4-6
ABELING, T. DEEMING, H. (2015) Mass Shelter Capability (MASC) Project Literature Review, MASC (on-line)
DEEMING, H., FORDHAM, M. & DAVIS, B. (2015). Propagating the aftermath: the Cumbrian experience of using a community development approach to build resilience to flooding. Social Services in Times of Disaster NORDRESS Multidisciplinary Nordic Symposium. Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 4-5 2015.
DEEMING, H. (2015). Understanding Community Resilience from the Perspective of a Population Experienced in Emergencies: Some Insights from Cumbria, (Occasional Paper 14), EPC,Easingwold, UK.
DEEMING, H., DAVIS, B., FORDHAM, M. & TAYLOR, R. 2015. emBRACE WP5 Case Study Report: Floods in Northern England. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Northumbria University for the emBRACE Project
DEEMING, H., FORDHAM, M. & SWARTLING, Å. G. 2015. Resilience and Adaptation to Hydrometeorological Hazards. In: QUEVAUVILLER, P. (ed.) Prevention of hydrometeorological extreme events – Interfacing sciences and policies. Wiley.
TWIGGER-ROSS, C., KASHEFI, E., WELDON, S., BROOKS, K., DEEMING, H., FORREST, S., FIELDING, J., GOMERSALL, A., HARRIES, T., MCCARTHY, S., ORR, P., PARKER, D., TAPSELL, S. 2014. Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder Evaluation: Rapid Evidence Assessment. London: Defra.
WHITTLE, R., MEDD, W., MORT, M., DEEMING, H., WALKER, M., TWIGGER ROSS, C., WALKER, G. P. & WATSON, N. 2014. Placing the Flood Recovery Process. In: CONVERY, I., CORSANE, G. & DAVIS, P. (eds.) Displaced Heritage: Responses to Disaster, Trauma and Loss. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: The Boydell Press.
DEEMING, H. 2013. Clarifying Resilience: an invited comment. Natural Hazards Observer, XXXVII, 1, 14-16.
EMBRACE (2013). Feedback on the systematization of the emBRACE framework to consortium and experts, (Deliverable 6.2), Deeming, H., Espeland, T. and Abeling, T. for the emBRACE Consortium.
DEEMING, H., WHITTLE, R. & MEDD, W. 2011a. Investigating resilience, through ‘before and after’ perspectives on residual risk. In: BENNETT, S. (ed.) Innovative thinking in risk, crisis and disaster management. Farnham, UK: Gower.
DEEMING, H., WHITTLE, R. & MEDD, W. 2011b. Recommendations for changes in UK National Recovery Guidance (NRG) and associated guidance, from the perspective of Lancaster University’s Hull Flood Studies. Lancaster University, UK.
MENONI, S., WALKER, G. & DEEMING, H. 2011. Introduction To Sustainable Risk Mitigation For A More Resilient Europe. Inside Risk: a strategy for sustainable risk mitigation. Springer Verlag.
TWIGGER-ROSS, C., COATES, T., DEEMING, H., ORR, P., RAMSDEN M. & STAFFORD, J. 2011. Community Resilience Research: UK Case Studies, Lessons and Recommendations report to the Cabinet Office and Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. London: Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd.
WHITTLE, R., MEDD, W., DEEMING, H., KASHEFI, E., MORT, M., TWIGGER ROSS, C., WALKER, G. & WATSON, N. 2010. After the Rain – learning the lessons from flood recovery in Hull, final project report for "Flood, Vulnerability and Urban Resilience: a real-time study of local recovery following the floods of June 2007 in Hull" Lancaster, UK: Lancaster University.
WATSON, N., DEEMING, H. & TREFFNY, R. 2009. Beyond Bureaucracy? Assessing Institutional Change in the Governance of Water in England. Water Alternatives, 2.
DEEMING, H. 2008. Increasing resilience to storm surge flooding: risks, social networks and local champions PhD, Lancaster University, UK.
EU European Union Mass Shelter Capability (MASC) Project Project Coordination: Northamptonshire County Council (NCC)
EU FP7 Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe (emBRACE) Project ( Scientific Technical officer (for consortium) Deeming, H.
Cabinet Office Project: Community Resilience Lead Researcher: Clare Twigger-Ross (Collingwood Environmental Planning)
Cabinet Office project: Recommendations for changes in UK National Recovery Guidance (NRG) and associated guidance, from the perspective of Lancaster University’s Hull Flood Studies Lead researcher: Deeming, H.
EU FP6 Project Integrated Health, Social and Economic Impacts of Extreme Events: Evidence, Methods and Tools (MICRODIS), Principal Investigator: Dr. Maureen Fordham, Northumbria University
Environment Agency Project: Increasing Rural Communities Adaptation to FCRM Principal Investigation: The CEP Consortium
Cabinet Office Project: The UK Civil Protection Guidance Inventory Lead researcher: Deeming, H. on behalf of The Emergency Planning College, Easingwold
ESRC / Environment Agency Project: Flood, vulnerability and urban resilience: a real-time study of local recovery following the floods of June 2007 in Hull. Principal Investigator: Dr Will Medd, Lancaster University
EU FP6 Consortium Project: ‘SCENARIO’ Support on Common European Strategy for sustainable natural and induced technological hazards mitigation
EU FP6 Consortium Project: ‘ARMONIA’ Assessing and Mapping Multiple Risks for Spatial Planning