Dr Hugh Deeming is a research consultant based in Bentham, North Yorkshire. Hugh launched HD Research on 1st Oct 2015 after 4 years working as Scientific technical officer for the EU FP7 emBRACE project
Hugh’s principal research interest bears dual focus, in the investigation of ‘community resilience’ and UK civil protection/resilience arenas. Theses interests were first seeded during his service as a police officer, but were reinforced and expanded by his PhD investigation into the role that social networks play in building community resilience to low-probability / high-consequence storm surge hazards.
Whilst at Lancaster University in 2007, Hugh was part of the team that undertook the award winning Hull Floods Project, in which innovative qualitative methods were employed to investigate the process of recovery as it is experienced by flood-affected households.
As well as emBRACE Hugh has gained experience working on a number of hazard-related projects funded by the EU (ARMONIA, SCENARIO, MICRODIS).
Following Storm Desmond in 2015 Hugh was commissioned by the Cumbria Local Resilience Forum (LRF) to investigate the county’s response to and recovery from the storm’s “unprecedented” impacts.
Following the Manchester Arena attack on 22nd May 2017, Hugh was approached to join the panel of Lord Kerslake’s review into Greater Manchester’s preparedness for and response to the attack. The panel presented its report to the mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, on 27th March 2018.
Recently, Hugh has completed a commission for the Department of Transport, looking at lessons from extreme-weather effects on the highways sector. He has also carried out a training needs analysis for the UK Resilience sector, which was jointly funded by the Cabinet Office and Emergency Planning College.
The focus of Hugh’s work is on using qualitative research methods (e.g. interviews, group discussion, workshops) to explore the issues under investigation in order to attain a depth of understanding that is not necessarily achievable through the use of quantitative surveys and/or the use of 'big data'.
His professional affiliations:
1) Senior Research Fellow, Emergency Planning College (2009-2019)
2) UK Defra Policy, Strategy and Investment Theme Advisory Group (TAG) for Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCERM) (2014-2020)
3) The Behavioural Science Expert Group (BSEG) reporting to the Cabinet Office National Risk Assessment
4) Associate member of the Emergency Planning Society
Hugh has presented his work to a range of audiences both in the UK and overseas.